Contact The Schlueter Company


Corporate Headquarters Manufacturing & International

The Schlueter Company
320 N. Main Street
Janesville, WI 53545
Voice: 608-755-5444 | Fax: 608-755-5440
Toll Free: 800-359-1700 | From Canada: 800-346-5414

Mailing & Billing

The Schlueter Company
P.O. Box 548
Janesville, WI 53547-0548


The Schlueter Company
320 North Main
Janesville, WI 53545

Fresno Office

The Schlueter Company
4435 N. Brawley - #102
Fresno, CA 93722

Dairy Equipment (Corporate)

Voice: (608) 755-5444
Fax: (608) 755-5440
Toll Free: (800) 359-1700

Dairy Equipment (Fresno)

Voice: (559) 276-7888
Fax: (559) 276-9436
Toll Fee: (800) 3591702

Food Equipment & Manufacturing

Voice: (608) 755-5455
Fax: (608) 755-5450
Toll Free: (800) 359-1700